KGR Academy
1614 Bridge City Ave. Bridge City, La 70094
Office: 504-218-5956  Fax: 504-272-0879
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    As both mothers and educators we are acutely aware of the needs and wants of parents for their children. And we recognize the crucial importance of caring for children in the absence of their parents. We’ve had the opportunity to work with different children and professionals of different ethnicities in the field of education; always learning something new to enhance ourselves as teachers and being able to provide helpful insight into the different needs of children. We are continuously committing to being effective learners and pledging to continue teaching our children with the hope of improving their educational path.
    We are eagerly anticipating the challenge of being an intricate part of your children’s future.
In fact, we love to see the look on their little faces when they learn something new. Watching them work together
and accomplish goals set for them is the most amazing feeling in the world. We get great pleasure in knowing
that we had a part in their growth process. As a result, we are looking forward to meeting the parents of each
child and developing a positive connection and bond with each of you. 

    Having trust with both the children and their parents is extremely important to us, consequently,
we are excited about developing a strong relationship with effective and efficient continuous communication.
 Let’s Get Ready for a Successful Start
to Your Child’s Development!!!

The KGR Promise...